Click on the videos below to find out more about our behaviour videos for individuals with mild to severe support needs.

Our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) training videos are available to purchase online.

Or for USB versions that can be inserted into your own e-learning, training sessions or presentations, email us at info for pricing options.

Strictly not for resale. Copyright The Behaviour Coach.

Consequence & Reward Agreements

With the help of ‘DJ Consi Quence’ we will run through the top 20 tips to ensure that your consequence and reward agreement is successful and an individual’s quality of life is improved.

Click below to find out more and watch the trailer:

ABC Recording

Coach Carnall takes himself inside an ABC form with a fresh, down to earth, humorous training style that will keep you fully engaged throughout the video.

Click below to find out more and watch the trailer:

Faecal Attraction:
Smearing & Consuming Faeces

If you are supporting any individual who smears or consumes faeces then this is the video for you.

Click below to find out more and watch the trailer:

Positive Behaviour Support Planning

Useful to Individuals who want to learn how to produce a support plan and for people involved in the gathering of information used within the support plan.

Click below to find out more and watch the trailer:


Positive behavior support (PBS) is a proactive approach to preventing problem behavior and promoting positive behavior. It is based on the belief that all behavior is learned and that it can be changed. PBS uses a variety of strategies to create a positive environment that supports learning and development. These strategies include:

  • Clear expectations: Students need to know what is expected of them in order to behave appropriately. Expectations should be clear, consistent, and communicated to students in a way that they can understand.
  • Positive reinforcement: Students should be rewarded for positive behavior. This can be done with praise, tangible rewards, or privileges.
  • Functional assessment: When a student is having difficulty behaving appropriately, it is important to understand the function of the behavior. This will help to identify the underlying cause of the behavior and develop an effective intervention.
  • Collaboration: PBS is most effective when it is implemented by a team of people who work together to support the student. This team may include teachers, parents, administrators, and other professionals.

PBS has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings, including schools, homes, and community settings. It is a research-based approach that has the potential to improve the lives of individuals with challenging behavior and those who interact with them.

Here are some examples of how PBS can be used in different settings:

  • In schools: PBS can be used to prevent and address problem behavior in schools. For example, a school might use PBS to create a positive school climate, develop clear expectations for behavior, and provide positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior.
  • In homes: PBS can be used to help families manage challenging behavior at home. For example, a family might use PBS to develop a behavior plan for a child with autism, create a positive home environment, and provide positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior.
  • In community settings: PBS can be used to support people with challenging behavior in community settings. For example, a community agency might use PBS to provide support to adults with developmental disabilities who are living in the community, create a positive community environment, and provide positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior.

PBS is a comprehensive approach to behavior management that can be used to improve the lives of individuals with challenging behavior and those who interact with them. It is a research-based approach that has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings.

Here are some of the benefits of using PBS:

  • Reduces problem behavior: PBS can help to reduce problem behavior by teaching students appropriate behaviors and providing positive reinforcement for those behaviors.
  • Increases positive behavior: PBS can help to increase positive behavior by teaching students appropriate behaviors and providing positive reinforcement for those behaviors.
  • Improves school climate: PBS can help to improve school climate by creating a positive environment where all students feel safe and respected.
  • Improves family relationships: PBS can help to improve family relationships by providing families with the tools and support they need to manage challenging behavior at home.
  • Improves community integration: PBS can help to improve community integration by providing individuals with challenging behavior with the skills and supports they need to participate in community activities.

If you are interested in learning more about PBS, we have helpful training videos above. You can watch the FREE trailer for each video.